XXIInd International CALL Research Conference

We have seen the field of CALL go through numerous transitions over the past several decades, encompassing transitions in technologies, transitions in teaching approaches, transitions in research methods, transitions across disciplines, and transitions within the broader contexts in which CALL is situated. The XXIInd International CALL Research Conference seeks to explore these transitions in terms of how the field has changed and to consider how these can impact upon the future directions of teaching and learning languages with technology. 

We welcome submissions that address, but are not limited to the following areas: 

  • Current ongoing transitions that are impacting upon what happens in research methodology or the classroom today, such as emergency remote teaching, artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), big data and learning analytics, natural language processing (NLP), and equity issues.  
  • Past transitions that have brought the field to where it is today, such as social media, mobile and ubiquitous computing, open educational resources (OER), and more.  
  • Future transitions that are paving the way for research and practice such as Internet of Things and Behaviors, generative AI, biometric technologies, wearable language learning assistants, and extended reality (XR). 

Submissions should align with one or more of the following sub-themes: 

  • Roles of technology 
  • Open educational resources 
  • Roles of teachers 
  • Teacher education 
  • Roles of learners 
  • Learner autonomy 
  • Informal language learning 
  • Gaming in language education 
  • Language assessment 
  • New language pedagogies with established and emerging technologies 
  • Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches 

Abstract Submission Guidelines: 

  • Submissions will be accepted between January 1, 2024 to February 29, 2024.
  • Abstracts should be 400-500 words including any references. 
  • The submission should be in two parts. Part 1 should show the overview of the research that has been carried out, and Part 2 should explicitly address how the research presented represents a motivated transition from prior work in terms technology, practice, content, theory, and/or research methodology. 
  • We welcome both empirical and theoretical submissions: 
    • Empirical studies should detail the research question, methodology, and key findings. 
    • Theoretical papers should offer a brief overview of the theoretical framework and its potential implications for CALL.  



As a CALLer, how can you be a linguist, technologist, pedagogue, psychologist, designer, project manager, researcher, teacher, developer, reviewer, user … all at the same time? How can you feel competent and sufficiently connected? How can you cope with technological evolution, sudden societal changes, methodological criteria or theoretical challenges? How can you contribute to building knowledge and theoretical foundations in CALL? To find an answer to these questions, we will take as a starting point that CALL has always been primarily multidisciplinary, importing concepts, methods and knowledge from other disciplines rather than building its own. An alternative, more coherent, interdisciplinary approach allows better communication between disciplines but presents specific challenges and becomes exponentially more complex as more disciplines become involved. Following recent movements in the field of ontology, we will argue that transdisciplinarity, defined here as the co-creation of knowledge constructs on a higher, boundary-transcending level of abstraction, is a way to overcome these complexities. We provide examples of how this can be put into practice.  We will argue that CALL is not just a discipline among so many others, but that it overarches, connects and enriches all disciplines involved. The most important transition we should focus on is transdisciplinary thinking in order to position CALL as a respected and respectable discipline with its own theoretical basis.



Over the past 30 years, foreign language education in Japan has transitioned through digitization, networking, and now towards smart technologies. While many Japanese teachers and educational institutions acknowledge the potential of CALL, this recognition has not yet fully translated into trust in CALL education. This presentation argues that the establishment of CALL education in Japan, particularly in the context of Chinese language education, requires collaboration with the local community’s relational capital, based on an analysis of practical CALL cases. Japanese students traditionally seek strong collective fairness, and proactive students remain a minority. Consequently, university foreign language teachers prioritize fair and stable classroom management and exhibit caution towards the introduction of advanced ICT and personalized skill acquisition education. Previous implementations of CALL have lacked features that address the collective characteristics of Japanese teachers and students and have seen challenges in the capacity of individual teachers to implement CALL education within unorganized, humanistically oriented groups. It is anticipated that CALL incorporating generative AI will play an important role in the future of foreign language education. This presentation poses the question: What functions and human capital will be necessary for future CALL to collaborate with local social capital and to achieve widespread development across educational institutions and classrooms? It reflects critically on past achievements and reconsiders the necessary reforms for the sustained development of CALL.


Recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), notably ChatGPT, have markedly transformed educational landscapes, especially for second language (L2) learners, who often encounter the dual challenge of mastering both language and subject content. This presentation will explore how AI empowers learners to break free from language barriers, embrace the full potential of their linguistic abilities, and revolutionize the way L2 learners express their thoughts and creativity. First, AI-powered text generators enable L2 learners to articulate their ideas beyond their current language proficiency, shifting the focus from language constraints to content. This is particularly transformative for beginners, who may otherwise have difficulties expressing their thoughts and voices in an L2 context. Second, by alleviating the cognitive load associated with grappling with language, AI can aid L2 learners in unleashing their creativity, a crucial skill of the 21st century, yet one that is frequently undervalued in L2 classrooms. Compared to its predecessor, machine translation, AI offers a much more dynamic and interactive partnership as a creative collaborator. For instance, conversations with AI support learners in generating novel ideas and different perspectives, as well as developing and refining existing ideas. Third, learners can further boost their creativity by using AI tools that generate images, sound and videos. Such tools offer learners the opportunity to enhance their creativity and create higher-quality creative multimodal content, which can enrich their language learning experiences. By orchestrating text and images, learners can convey the intended meaning and achieve their communication goals more effectively, while cultivating multimodal literacy and AI literacy (Kang & Li, 2023). This presentation explores the possibilities and realities of an AI-incorporated L2 classroom, where AI can be not only a tool for linguistic assistance but also a catalyst for cognitive development and creative expression in language learning.

Important Dates: 

  • Opening of submissions: January 1, 2024
  • Deadline for submissions: February 29, 2024 
  • Notification of outcomes: March 31, 2024 
  • Opening of registration: April 1, 2024 
  • Notification of selected plenaries: May 31, 2024 
  • Earlybird registration deadline: June 30, 2024 
  • Deadline for submission for Conference Proceedings: July 15, 2024 
  • Deadline for abstract proposals for Post-Conference Book: July 31, 2024
  • Presenter registration deadline: July 31, 2024 
  • Conference dates: September 13-15, 2024 
  • Deadline for full manuscripts for Post-Conference Book: September 30, 2024

Schedule Overview (Tentative):

The presentation schedule is available here.

Registration Fees: 

There are three levels of registration package for the conference that presenters can choose from: Basic+, Standard, and Full. The Basic+ conference package includes participation at the conference for all three days of the conference, a hardcopy of the conference proceedings, the conference bag, all morning and afternoon tea sessions, and buffet lunches for September 14 and 15. The Standard package includes everything in the Basic+ package, and it also includes the conference banquet at the beautiful Rihga Royal Hotel Tokyo on September 14. The Full conference package includes everything in Standard package as well as the Tokyo Experience Banquet held at the exquisite Chinzanso Hotel on September 13.

Earlybird discount rates are valid until June 30, 2024. Validation of student status may be required to be eligible for the Student Discount Rate.

The registration fees are as follows:

Registration TypeBasic+ PackageStandard PackageFull Package
Earlybird Student Participant¥37,000¥46,000¥66,000
Earlybird Regular Participant¥42,000¥51,000¥71,000
Student Participant¥44,000¥53,000¥73,000
Regular Participant¥49,000¥58,000¥78,000
Rihga Royal Banquet Hall
Chinzanso Hotel Gardens

Cancellation Policy

Refunds and cancellations must be requested in writing (call2024@call-research.org) before July 31, 2024. There is a ¥5,000 administration fee for refunds on registrations. Any transfer fees must be paid by the participants. Cancellations after August 1, 2024 are nonrefundable, as we will have already made payments to the relevant facilities based on the submitted registration information.

Conference Proceedings: 

Authors of accepted abstracts will be given the opportunity to submit a conference paper (around 1000 words) to be published as a double-blind peer-reviewed publication in the conference proceedings with an ISBN number. The proceedings will be provided in paper format at the conference, and all papers will be made available online as open access on completion of the conference. 

Editors: Yijen Wang & Mónica Stella Cárdenas Claros

Guidelines and the submission site for the proceedings may be found here: https://www.castledown.com/proceedings/call-research/announcement/view/1

Post-Conference Book: “Transitions in CALL”

A post-conference book entitled “Transitions in CALL” that will cover the theme of the conference will be published by Castledown. Presenters with accepted manuscripts for the conference may submit a 300-word proposal for a 6000-7000-word chapter for this edited volume. Chapters based on manuscripts published in the proceedings may also be included. 

Editors: Antonie Alm, Chun Lai, & Qing Ma

1. Timeline from manuscript submission to publication:

  • Deadline for abstract proposals: July 31, 2024  
  • Notification of accepted proposals: August 15, 2024
  • Deadline for full manuscript submission: September 30, 2024
  • Peer review process: October 1 – November 30, 2024
  • Notification of peer review results: December 15, 2024
  • Revised manuscript submission deadline: January 31, 2025
  • Anticipated publication date: April 30, 2025

2. Papers submitted to the proceedings and the book:

Only papers presented at the conference are eligible for inclusion in the book. Chapters based on manuscripts published in the proceedings may be included, provided they are substantially expanded and revised to meet the chapter guidelines and undergo the peer review process. Abstracts must be submitted to callbook2024@gmail.com by July 31, 2024.

3. General guidelines:

  • Length: Chapters should be between 6000-7000 words, including references.
  • Content: Chapters should be original research or theoretical contributions related to the conference theme “Transitions in CALL.”
  • Review process: All submitted chapters will undergo a double-blind peer review process. Each chapter will be reviewed by at least two expert reviewers in the field. Authors will also be invited to review at least one other chapter submitted to the book.
  • Formatting: Chapters should follow the APA 7th edition style guide for formatting, citations, and references.

While a fixed structure for the chapters is not required, they should include an introduction, literature review, methodology, results/discussion, and conclusion.

Conference Venue:

The conference will be held in Building 10 at the Waseda Campus of Waseda University, which is a short five-minute walk from the Waseda Station on the Tozai Line on the Tokyo Metro. You may exit from either 3a or 3b and walk towards the Main Gate.

A map of the campus is below:

You can find the exact location of the Main Gate of Waseda University by clicking here, or by entering these coordinates: 35°42’31.4″N 139°43’14.9″E .

The exact location of the Entrance of the 1st Floor Entrance of Building 10 (where the Reception Desk is) can be found by clicking here, or by entering these coordinates: 35°42’31.1″N 139°43’07.5″E

The Campus Tour will leave from in front of room 10-107 at 13:20. Only those people who have already registered will be able to take part in this tour as the number of people who can participate is limited.

Lunches for September 14 and 15 are in Okuma Garden House, which is located on the 2nd floor of Building 25. Please make sure you bring the correct lunch ticket (red for the September 14 and blue for September 15) or you will not be able to be served.

The Chinzanso Hotel is around 15 minutes walk from the Main Gate of the university. We will walk to the hotel and enter through the Kabukimon Gate (冠木門), leaving the Main Gate of the university at 5:00 pm on September 13. Please note that you will need to wear your lanyard with the red dot to be allowed entry through the gate into the hotel.

The Rihga Royal Hotel is located around 5 minutes walk from the Main Gate of the university (see the map above). We will walk to the hotel from the Main Gate at 6:20 pm on September 14.

Please subscribe for further information about this or upcoming conferences. Information will also be posted on social media, but subscribing will ensure you do not accidentally miss out on important information about the conference.